Friday, September 21, 2012

Your turn as a Slave!

Slavery. What a disgusting and blatant disrespect for all God gave us. Why is it that the Angelo’s felt that they are any better than anyone else? That we actually took mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters? Plucking them from the comfort of their own homes to come to a new country and be treated without respect. Demanded to follow rules set in place by a society that thought more of themselves than any other. Threatened with death and defiance. Though times have changed, or so we would like to think, slavery still exists today. Though the Civil War was won by the North, the South faced troubles and fought the idea of relinquishing their slaves hanging on to the notion that equality was meant for white men only. Props to the North and abolishing what never should have taken place first hand. I say tie up the white mother fuckers and take their freedoms and let them feel what it is to be nothing in a world with everything. This world is in such turmoil due to self-righteous people that see no other side but their own.