Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Formula One Grand Prix

Have you ever sat in traffic, do you understand the frustrations of traffic and avoid traffic at all costs if possible. I do I spent three and a half hours in traffic one day from North 183 going to East 71. I was so aggregated that I thought about just getting out of my car and going to eat, let the traffic die down and then peruse my drive at that time. Austin is increasingly growing and now that we have this Formula One Grand Prix track the roads will continue to get worse. Travis County took consideration to expand the roads on the north side of the track and on FM 812, put in an exit ramp, cyclist’s lane and other improvements.  However, now they feel that it would be too expensive to consider spending right at about 9 to 10 million dollars in total cost overall for the expansion. At the first event it was averaged that one mile took roughly 45 minutes and that my friend is out rageous not to mention it took a little over three hours to clear the track completely. There are so many issues with this track that I feel that proper planning did not take place and this track was put together without considerations of its effects around it. When people get agitated they get stupid and people get hurt. Imagine a car stalled in any of these areas; whoa I do not want to be around for that, talk about insane. The issues here are only going to get worse before they get better and this is a prime example of stupidity. We are fast to build slow to think. Money, money, money that is all it has been about how we can bring it in but hate to dish it out. I for one will not be venturing down this avenue until I purchase a helicopter, I refuse to be caught in a mess for a few hours of watching people go in a circle; I can do that myself spinning donuts in the mall parking lot and go fast racing from the cops once there called. I don’t know I am simply one voice but I have this feeling that I’m not alone.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Judge Dread

What a surprise! Or is it, that yet again our justice system that is supposed to protect and serve has done just the opposite. We often talk of freedom, assuming it was given. This is incorrect, it was paid for and at a very high cost. So that begs the question why is ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ actually, ‘guilty until proven innocent.’? Having laws, guidelines, and structure in place assures that errors are few; however, with human nature we are flawed and will do at times what we think is best disregarding due process. I can’t understand at what point a person begins to think that they are any better than another. Equality is what we have been fighting for, for centuries and that is not only about color and gender. To have the responsibility of lives and futures in your hands is serious and should be taken with caution, not abused and rigged for an outcome based on personal thought and motivation. Anyone that has ever done even a day in jail knows that it changes you and not always for the better. Imagine that you lose your whole life not just a day but because a single person took it upon himself to determine an outcome or further a career. Motive what a small word that carries such power and destruction. Its times and people like this that fuel the questions is the justice system flawed and can it change?

Ken Anderson Responds to State Bar's Ethics Filing


Monday, October 22, 2012

Educating the Future....Priceless!

         Children today deserve the absolute best opportunity to thrive and excel in school. They are the future and have the responsibility of being the generation that brings our society out of the slumps of bad debt and political decay. However, we can’t expect to get out anything more than what we’re willing to put in. If we continue to take from our children’s education we might as well just tell America’s children that their futures are simply not important to us. How is it possible to educate and build structure in children if we are under-staffed and overcrowded? Initiating more intense tests is a positive start, but I believe it  will provide negative results if the children are not given the time and attention necessary to fully understand the tasks at hand. It needs to be understood that taking an easy way out may get you there faster but it provides less than one hundred percent results. Bring power into the schools by letting the children see that we support their hard work and believe in where they can go in life. By continuing pull from the wrong resources we are thus divulging in the decline of humanity. In order to change tomorrow we have to start with today and today should begin right now.

The Texas Tribune ------- At Trial, Lawyers for Districts Argue Texas Funding System is Broken


Monday, October 8, 2012

Rough Justice!

Pedophile VS. Daddy
Who’s Judge, jury & executioner?  The sum of a person starts at home where love and care is given and protection comes without question. It disgusts me that we are in a society that preys on the weaknesses of others, even when that weakness is simply being a child. I beg the question, “what the fuck?” The answer seems always the same. Although as I read that a man is attempting to sexually abuse a four year old girl my give a fuck burns out, and I feel the understanding of taking things into your own hands. I will say without question or hesitation that as a Mom, death will be what you wish for, Agony is all you'll receive. if anyone EVER put their hands on my baby girls. Protection is not a singularity, it bares many physical, emotional and mental. As parents it is our job to be guides and walk our children safely into this ever declining shit hole of society. We always do whats best. Even when that means killing... so be it.